What version of GDAL are you running?  QGIS uses GDAL under the hood to
access PostGIS Raster.

On 08/17/2012 08:52 AM, celati laurent wrote:
> Hello,
> I noticed displaying troubles into Qgis 1.8 for one of my Postgis raster
> layer. The raw file (.tif) is a file with a small size and up to now i
> have succeed in importing raster files with a biggest size.
> For information : size of the raw file : 194 MO / Size of generated sql
> file : 44.2 MO.
> I send you by attachment 2 SS : 1/ representation of raw tif file into
> Qgis 1.8 & 2/ representation of Postgis raster layer into Qgis 1.8
> Can you help me please to find the cause of the problem?
> In advance, thank you very much for your help.
> Regards.
> Laurent Celati.
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Center for Vectorborne Diseases
UC Davis
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