I apologize for being sporadic with my queries here. But I'm trying to
manage several projects at once and this is just one of them.

I am the default tech person on a project at the USGS to try using the
OSM software to jumpstart our flagging National Map Corps program. We
have a full copy of the OSM software stack running on a USGS server:
navigator.er.usgs.gov (I didn't choose the server name).

We successfully conducted an initial phase of testing using the
software to do some work on road data in Kansas. It was purely a test
of the software. Now we are trying to use the system to collect
structure data (like POIs). In the first phase we used Potlatch 1.4.
For this phase we are trying to use Potlatch 2. The customization
options in Potlatch 2 make it much more compelling. Or rather, I don't
want to have to setup a coding environment and start slinging code
just to change some icons. As I said, this is one of several projects
I'm involved in. My hope was that we could get away with just editing
the XML files for Potlatch 2 to customize it for our data schema.

We have hit a stumbling block. I cannot seem to get Potlatch 2 to
authenticate properly with the API. I posted about this once before
but I think I was misunderstood. I'm not trying to use Oauth to have
Potlatch 2 authenticate against OSM. I am trying to get my copy of
Potlatch 2 to behave in regard to my API instance the same way
Potlatch 2 on openstreetmap.org behaves.

Specifically, I don't see where Potlatch 2 had to be setup as an Oauth
client on Openstreetmap.org. I keep trying (and failing) to get Oauth
to work. I've setup an Oauth client and copied the consumer_key to the
potlatch2_key in application.yml. That doesn't help at all and I don't
see why it would because each time I set up a new client, I get a
different consumer_key and secret.  Of course, that seems to be the
way it should work. Each user needs to setup the client for
themselves. That's the idea behind Oauth.

However, all users on Openstreetmap.org can use Potlatch 2 without
configuring it as an Oauth client. How can I manage that trick for my
own server?


Eric B. Wolf                           720-334-7734

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