#3502: Can only see first 7 backgrounds in drop-down list
  Reporter:  stevage    |       Owner:  potlatch-dev@…                
      Type:  defect     |      Status:  closed                        
  Priority:  major      |   Milestone:                                
 Component:  potlatch2  |     Version:                                
Resolution:  invalid    |    Keywords:                                

Comment(by Richard):

 It's not a real-world problem that really affects anyone, to be honest.
 95% of OSM mappers only map within their vicinity. If, say, they decide to
 help out in Haiti, they start editing there and bam, it does what it
 should. So P2's current behaviour is ideally DWIMmy for the 95% - just as
 it should be. (The remaining 5% are, truth be told, largely dyed-in-the-
 wool JOSM users anyway. :) )

 If you'd like to file this as a minor minor minor minor enhancement then
 go for it. But about the only way I can imagine the UI working is to have
 a new column, 'Worldwide?', within the table view; this would contain a
 checkbox which, when unchecked, brought up a new dialogue prompting the
 user for a bbox. Anyone who fancies writing all the Flex data provider and
 bindings stuff for this is a better man than I am, Gunga Din...

 There's also the issue that the BackgroundDialog code is currently used
 for both tilesets and for stylesheets. Any refactoring would need to make
 sure that the stylesheet code still worked, ideally without resorting to
 copying-and-pasting it into a new mxml file.

 In due course we need a new architecture for managing and editing
 collections like these and the vector background layers, perhaps
 associated with an eventual move to FP10 and the ability to load files
 from the local drive, and perhaps with the ability to talk to the OSM
 preferences API. It's distantly on the radar, though personally for me the
 next priority is to try and speed up some of the slower UI, especially the
 TagPanel stuff.

Ticket URL: <http://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/3502#comment:3>
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