On Mar 3, 2011, at 8:07 AM, Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net> wrote:

Steve Bennett wrote:

 Just wondering if anyone has any cool ideas for features or whatnot,
that they haven't got around to entering as bugs in Trac.

Like I said the other day, stability is definitely the watchword right now, so we can get P2 ready to become the default editor. No new features until then.

One bug that needs nailing down (and I haven't had time to do so yet) is that the advanced tag panel can become "stuck". In other words, it's possible for a set of tags to stay there, even though you select a different entity with a new set of tags. Haven't worked out how to reproduce it yet but it's happened to me a couple of times.

There might be minor bits of refactoring to do, too, though I'm wary of encouraging this lest it introduce more bugs and therefore put off the day when we can make P2 the default. The one that springs to mind is unifying the multiple selection code: ControllerStates treat it as an untyped array, whereas the tag panel uses an EntityCollection type. But that's not urgent and I really don't want to do it yet if it could introduce any problems.

Potlatch 2 is completely broken in handling RTL languages and does not join Arabic letters together.

This is an absolute must fix ASAP!

Right now I'd hesitate about recommending anyone edit osm or use it in places like Libya and Egypt. Yet there's a very urgent need for good basemap data.

I'm not experienced with Flash development so not sure how much I'm capable of fixing myself.



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