#3587: Tag keys/values should be restricted to 255 characters
 Reporter:  FK270673                             |       Owner:  potlatch-dev@… 
     Type:  defect                               |      Status:  new            
 Priority:  critical                             |   Milestone:                 
Component:  potlatch2                            |     Version:                 
 Keywords:  potlatch2  advanced tab crash tiger  |  

Comment(by FK270673):

 Unfortunately, these critical errors seem to be a result of multiple

  * 1. Choose a time when Potlatch2 is reloading slowly
  * 2. Use the ADVANCED tab as it is a good indicator for a pre-crash
  * 3. Draw a very long line, e.g. a powerline, until you reach an area
 that does not reload quickly.
  * 4. Add some / many pylons there (with R), you may edit some other nodes
 and ways as well. For TESTING purposes, it is a good idea to tag every
 SECOND node as pylon an to leave the other one blank, so you can see
 whether the ADVANCED tab indicates all changes between blank and tagged
 nodes correctly.
  * 5. If the ADVANCED tab remains EMPTY or keeps the properties of the
 PREVIOUS edit though you have added a pylon (with R), you have reached the
 stage two steps BEFORE the crash happened (!!).
  * 6. The SIMPLE tab indicates the CORRECT tag WHILE the ADVANCED tab
 indicates the PREVIOUS tag. This is the condition BEFORE a CRASH - it
 works fine for 10 or 15 times, but then the editor crashes.
  * 7. By adding a NEW TAG to the ADVANCED tab, e.g. ref=111, you may
 restore the CORRECT properties of that node / way. It works fine for 10 or
 15 times, but then the editor CRASHES.
  * 8. Manually removing a tigerID has caused the CRASH.

 I suppose there must be a conflict between listeners, maybe the tab
 listener and some other reloading listener.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/3587#comment:6>
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