Hi all,

I have not found in the documentation how to refer to customized Stylesheets.
Trying to use a customized stylesheet with a Custom Potlatch2, i dont find how
to instruct the API for both the url and the name of the Stylesheet without 
recompiling the API.

I was expecting that Stylesheets.xml  would be read by the API when a client 
starts the application.
But adding instructions to the file or even erasing stylesheets.xml file has no 
impact on names listed in the Style list. 

The instruction fo.addVariable("style","stylesheets/anystyle.css"), gives the 
ability to add an url, but
name = Custom is automatically applied.

Am i doing something wrong? If not, could the API be modified to read the 
stylesheets.xml file at startup of the API? 

If stylesheets.xml cannot be read, would it be possible at least to have an 
instruction like
fo.addVariable("styleName","My Anystyle");


Pierre Béland
Potlatch-dev mailing list

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