#3444: Potlatch 2: Have to click twice to take an action
 Reporter:  techlady          |       Owner:  potlatch-dev@…                
     Type:  defect            |      Status:  new                           
 Priority:  major             |   Milestone:  OSM 1.0                       
Component:  potlatch2         |     Version:  2.0                           
 Keywords:  tabs delete ways  |  

Comment(by StellanL):

 I can reproduce the non-responsive tabs bug. If I select a tab other than
 Basic, and leave that tab selected when I deselect the way, then when I
 select a way again all tabs work immediately, except the one that was
 selected for the last way, which only works after something else is
 Apparently the tab control remembers which is the "selected" tab
 separately from which is the "visible" tab, and only the visible is reset
 when a new way us selected.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/3444#comment:2>
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