On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 11:27 AM, Richard Fairhurst
<rich...@systemed.net> wrote:

> a) Andy pushes the patch to his repository on github
> b) I pull it into mine and review it (which takes 0.0005ms to check that
> it's a good patch, and about 30 minutes to remember how to do this in git)
> c) I push it to my potlatch2 repository on github (the Potlatch 2 master)
> and alert Tom
> d) Tom checks I haven't done anything evil and deploys it on osm.org

Arguably I'm slightly out-of-line marking trac reports as
"closed-fixed" before they are pulled by Richard and (arguably) they
should still be open until they hit the deployed version on osm.org.
But it makes my life easier to mark them as "fixed" when the fix has
been written (and when I'm pretty sure that that fix will be
accepted), and in our trac fixed automatically marks the issue as

Perhaps I should just tag a warning onto my trac comments that while
it's fixed it needs to wait on the next release before it'll become
live to save any confusion.


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