#3945: new background imagery layer geoimage.at
 Reporter:  numenor@…                |       Owner:  potlatch-dev@…             
     Type:  enhancement              |      Status:  new                        
 Priority:  minor                    |   Milestone:                             
Component:  potlatch2                |     Version:                             
 Keywords:  tile layer geoimage.at   |  

 geoimage.at is a high res wms service for the whole of Austria made
 available publicly (explicitely naming openstreetmap) in July. Currently
 they only provide WMS, but Sven Geggus has kindly provided a web service
 accepting tile urls sent by potlatch, and returning HTTP redirects with
 the appropriate URL for the geoimage.at service, which potlatch then uses
 to fetch the actual image(s). Could this web service be included in the
 default list of background imagery layers? A working URL is the following
 (the key was explicitely provided for openstreetmap editors, such that it
 can be incorporated without every user needing to configure his own link;
 currently this has a higher limit of allowed requests compared to standard
 accounts; namely 10million instead of 50thousand; I and some others have a
 personal email from the responsible person at geomage.at telling us about
 this, in case this is needed). The URL working for me is:


 (would there be a possibility to remind users that they should use
 source=geoimage.at when using this as background layer?)

 BTW: Sven also provides the source code of the service, in case this could
 be useful for other WMS services as well:


 Thanks, Holger

Ticket URL: <https://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/3945>
OpenStreetMap <http://www.openstreetmap.org/>
OpenStreetMap is a free editable map of the whole world

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