> So now if you get a simple "Couldn't load the map" it means a 500 server
> error genuinely came back from the API. This is the sort of thing that
> basically shouldn't happen, but it can occur, AIUI, if the daemon restarts
> halfway through the response; I've had that very occasionally.

Taking this to potlatch-dev

I'm really, really hoping that this has fixed everything. However, I
still have a lingering suspicion that there's a client-side issue
where the URL is never actually requested. I've seen this happen with
the linux debug player against a local rails install using wireshark,
and I suspect it happens on the release flash plugin too against the
main server, but I haven't captured with wireshark conclusively. And
so I can't pin it down and it takes friggin ages to try and trigger

I've found it happening when panning around lots, and I wonder if
there's a max-concurrent-requests issue somewhere between flash and
the browser. I've seen enough reports about this, and experienced it
often enough myself,  to believe that it's not actually the site
that's returning that many errors.

Maybe we'll need to trap map call errors in potlatch and ping a
logging url to let us reconcile times-potlatch-thinks-it-got-an-error
with times-the-rails-serves-logged-sending-an-error and see how they


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