New version is now in my github and will hopefully be on before too long.

Major changes for users:

* Potlatch 2 now requires Flash Player 10.
* The Simple tag editor has been rearranged: fewer tabs, tabs have icons.

Major changes for people running custom instances:

* Simple tag editor changes as above. Icons are currently hard-coded, but that'll change. * Inputs can now be assigned to a subcategory as well as a category. This renders as a disclosure panel within a category. This is a great place to put lesser-used tags without cluttering up the UI. * You can now group images by supplying a .zip file, so that P2 doesn't ask for eight billion images on every load. To use, supply a Flash parameter with the location of the zips and the place they're "substituting" for, like this: args["assets"] = "assets/;assets/";

Major changes for developers:

* You now need Flex 4.5.x to build (

And lots of little stuff. Please note that the translation infrastructure is still a work-in-progress and moving to Flex 4 throws up some new challenges here

Thanks to Andy for huge amounts of work on this.


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