On 21 March 2012 11:38, Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net> wrote:

> I've therefore added a version check to the custom cursor code. If the
> user is still on 10.1, it just won't set the cursors. I've tested it with
> both 10.1 and 10.3 players and it seems to work fine. Flex 4.5 nominally
> requires 10.2 but, for now, seems to degrade to 10.1 fine - the main
> change AIUI is tweaks to the text layout engine. It is however possible
> that some of the more advanced Spark components may use opcodes not
> present in 10.1.

Ah, I wish that I'd known this earlier on - both that we had a
mismatch between required versions (i.e. osm.org was requiring 10.1
instead of 10.2, hence the lack of warnings) and also that we were in
the process of changing things around! The training course I was
running earlier on had a bunch of people having major problems with
10.1 not working.

If you can confirm that the old p2, with your copy of 10.1, meant that
you couldn't select a way, and that the new version of p2, again with
10.1, does let you select a way, then I'll rest easy. Otherwise we
might have a problem with particular sub-releases of 10.1, and I can
investigate further.


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