  First, congrats on all the commits coming out of the hack session
over the weekend! :)

Now (and possibly not related), the feature panel is showing up blank
for me. It loads the initial set of icons, but after clicking on any
node/way, it becomes blank, and stays that way for the remainder of
the session.

OS X, Firefox 11.0, Flash 10,1,102,64 (which I understand to be just
barely acceptable). (This isn't the machine I use for development)

I have no problems in Chrome on this machine (with its own flash player).

Hmm, as I play more, it's more than just the feature panel:
- after some initial background imagery, no new imagery tiles are showing
- the captions of the "background", "map style" etc dropdown boxes in
the top right become invisible on hover (happens unreliably)
- sometimes the feature panel works a bit (but becomes stuck showing
out of date information when you've selected a different entity),
before dying
- lots of general brokenness, like pressing Esc, seeing everything
fade out, but no dialogue

The specific URL I'm launching with is


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