#4391: Potlatch 2 initializes but fails to get past loading screen
 Reporter:  gerv-openstreetmap@…         |       Owner:  potlatch-dev@…         
     Type:  defect                       |      Status:  new                    
 Priority:  major                        |   Milestone:                         
Component:  potlatch2                    |     Version:                         
 Keywords:                               |  

Comment(by Richard):

 It's possibly Flash trying to load RSLs (Runtime Shared Libraries) from
 the Adobe site and failing. If you can use Firebug or whatever to show if
 the browser's waiting for code and failing to find it, that could help.

 Frankly I'm tempted to disable this whole RSL thing... it might make for a
 bigger filesize, but it seems to cause more problems than it's worth.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/4391#comment:1>
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