
On 05/08/12 08:14, Steve Bennett wrote:
On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 8:11 AM, OpenStreetMap<t...@openstreetmap.org>  wrote:
  Please read the "How to be a helpful bug reporter" paragraph on the first
  page of trac.osm.org and come back when you can file a helpful report.

Please read "how to be an asshole to people who are trying to be
helpful"... oh wait, apparently you wrote that one. Someone goes to
the trouble of logging into the Trac, fighting through the horrible
user interface, filing a bug with the correct component, and writing a
bug report in a foreign language, complete with example of the bad
behaviour - and your response is to tell them to fuck off for not
having RTFM.

In Richard's defence, there are over 1500 changesets with a comment of "removing multiple consecutive identical nodes in ways/delete one node ways. please help by giving hints, about how this potlatch bug can be reproduced http://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/2501";. It seems that it is a long-standing problem, and repeating that there is a problem doesn't bring us closer to a solution.

You seem to have just submitted a patch that fixes the multiple consecutive nodes part, but the one-node-way part seems to be yet unsolved. Nonetheless you (Steve) closed ticket #2501 as "fixed"; is it possible that the submitter of #4395 created his ticket in response to your closing of #2501, to remind people that half of #2501 is not fixed yet?


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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