#5484: When you move the map, P2 fails to fetch new OSSV Imagery
  Reporter:  SomeoneElse  |      Owner:  potlatch-dev@…
      Type:  defect       |     Status:  new
  Priority:  minor        |  Milestone:
 Component:  potlatch2    |    Version:
Resolution:               |   Keywords:  imagery

Comment (by SomeoneElse):

 https://github.com/osmlab/editor-layer-index/pull/380 has now been merged.

 The problem seems ot occur with http sources that redirect to https.  Some
 other sources at osm.org referred to in the editor-imagery-index redirect
 and some (as yet) do not.  A bunch seem to be defined there but not actual
 exist or be usable, despite trying to fetch tiles in the right zoom range
 in the right are (e.g some OSM-hosted OS OOC maps).  I suspect that many
 of these are dupicates of e.g. NLS maps.

 There are three others - AGRI, Surrey Air Survey and one for the
 Philippines that show the issue.  I can get the first 2 to load and show
 the same problem, and the fix for them is in here:


 I can't get the Philippines imagery to load within P2 (but oddly can
 externally) so I haven't changed that one.

 Presumably editor-layer-index is somehow either canned within P2 or is
 released only occasionally?  The live version used by P2 hasn't been
 updated yet.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/5484#comment:3>
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