On 11/21/2011 4:48 PM, Pat Erler wrote:

we use pound for some weeks now. suddenly we have this problem and just
don't know what is happening. maybe someone can help:

  * pound's URL is www.photocase.com <http://www.photocase.com>, the IP
    is, which is also the IP for *.photocase.com
    <http://photocase.com> (which might be important)
  * the backend IIS (7.5 aka w2k8r2) are v011.photocase.com
    <http://v011.photocase.com> and v012.photocase.com
  * go to this URL: http://www.photocase.de/images/rssicon.gif - it works
  * go to this URL: http://v011.photocase.de/images/rssicon.gif - press
    F5 some times and you will get a 404
  * now it get's crazy: when you use http://web-sniffer.net/ or
    something similar and research
    http://v011.photocase.de/images/rssicon.gif you will see, that the
    request goes not to the IP of the backend server v011.photocase.com
    <http://v011.photocase.com> ( but to the IP of the
    pound server ( - how does this happen?
  * and - why is pound giving us a 404? the file in question is
    available from both backend servers. we found, hat the 404 comes
    from http.sys - so the request doesn't even reach the IIS - but, we
    can't find any log entries
    in c:\Windows\System32\logfiles\HTTPERR\httperr1.log

we are dumbfounded. any ideas?

Your public DNS points v011.photocase.de to the .74 IP. Same for v012. I think you need to fix your DNS and then start from scratch, and see where you land. Make sure you clear your DNS caches too, and verify that those hostnames resolve to the right IPs.

Dave Steinberg

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