Hi Garrett,
The pound.cfg file is only read the once when you start/restart the service
so the only way that  know of that you can get the new settings to take
effect is to restart the pound service.

There is a script that you can place in the 'init.d' folder which allows
you to stop/start/restart the pound service. If you don't already have this
on your server I would recommend it as stopping pound and then restarting
it means you typing the commands manually where as '/etc/init.d/pound
restart' does both in one go.

As for any apps that you can use to edit Pound I'm not sure of but I'm sure
that some may exist. We actually use Pound in our Product for our SSL
Terminations which we have written a simple web front end for which allows
the configuration of the most common options and some of the extra ones
that we have included from the patches that have been included.


On 13 September 2012 17:28, Garrett Hampton

> Hello Everyone,****
> ** **
> I am using Pound in a virtual server to route traffic to various web
> servers we have.  Anytime I want to make a change to IP, port, or add a new
> application I log into the virtual server, VIM my pound.cfg file, and then
> restart the pound service.  When I do that, for a brief moment, access to
> our sites is lost.****
> ** **
> My questions are:****
> ** **
> **1.       **Do I have to reboot the Pound service every time I edit the
> .cfg file?****
> **a.       **Is there anyone to limit downtime when making a new entry in
> the .cfg file?
> ****
> **2.       **Is there another way to add/edit/manage the Pound.cfg file?
> Are there any web apps I can use that tie into Pound?****
> ** **
> Thanks for the help!****
> ** **
> Garrett H.****

With Kind Regards.

Scott McKeown

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