iptabels would be the best option if your on a unix platform as this is at
the kernel level and not software level which would save some processor
overhead. Otherwise if you have an upstream firewall I would look at
blocking the addresses or whole subnet there.
Other than that Im not sure you can do what you want with pound itself.

 On Sep 27, 2012 5:38 PM, "Jaroslav Lukesh" <luk...@seznam.cz> wrote:

> Dear Sirs,
> I want to block some DoS attacker at pound side (pound 1.8, does not have
> other possibilities - tiny HW), but none of this does not work:
> UrlGroup.....
> HeadRequire....
> HeadDeny REMOTE_ADDR "ipaddress"
> HeadDeny HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR "ipaddress1, ipaddress2"
> EndGroup
> How to do it successfully, please?
> Regards, J. Lukesh
> --
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