Since I split my listeners, (ipv4 and ipv6, no wildcard), I haven't had this 
problem.  It's something that could be dealt with easily with log 
parsers/helper scripts.

However, I could see how some might want the ips translated.

I think you'll find this is more simplistic and accomplishes the same result.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bussi Andrea []
> Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 11:07 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Pound Mailing List] Location comparision with backend
> address & host
> On 03/18/2013 09:43 AM, Bussi Andrea wrote:
> > On 03/16/2013 09:30 AM, Raj Kishore1/CHN/TCS wrote:
> >> Hi Joe,
> >>
> >> Thanks for the previous replies.
> >>
> >> We have modified the pound 1.9 socket structures to listen IPV4/ipv6
> >> address.
> >>
> >> However when IPV4 request comes,it is mapped to IPV6 address as
> >> ::ffff:<X.X.X.X> In case of IPV6 client, it is fetching the IPV6
> >> address only.
> >>
> >> Is it the right mechansim to handle ipv4 client in ipv4 mapped ipv6
> >> address mode in pound?
> >>
> >> Do we need to handele explicitly  the IPV4-6 mapped address in dual
> >> stack?
> >>
> > I had the same problem with Pound 2.6; it seems to be an issue in the
> > inet_ntop function, if I'm not mistaken.
> >
> > I don't believe my patch (attached below) is the right way to solve
> > it; the proper way should be a patched inet_ntop.
> >
> > But this solved my troubles; maybe somebody else will find it useful
> > too.
> >
> The patch I previously posted didn't initialize the port variable for
> IPv4 addresses, so the addr2str function would print an uninitialized
> stack value as the port number.
> This is the right patch.
> Sorry for the mistake,
>                               Bussi Andrea
> > Best regards,
> >                      Bussi Andrea
> >

Attachment: pound-2.6-ipv4-mapped-in-ipv6-sockets-jjg.patch
Description: pound-2.6-ipv4-mapped-in-ipv6-sockets-jjg.patch

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