
Joe stated the links to updated  2.6 and 2.7 branches in this thread:


Cheers, Andreas.

On 18.06.2013 14:55, Scott McKeown wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> Welcome to Pound.
> I'm sure that Joe will jump in at some stage with more details but we
> use Pound ourselves and you can find that the community is quite active
> and supportive.
> Patches and fixes are normally found being posted to this list which if
> you know some basic Unix commands and you don't mind building Pound from
> source yourself you can have quite an efficient and productive SSL
> Terminator at your disposal.
> If memory serves me correctly Joe does keep a fork somewhere but I don't
> know where it is.
> However, once again welcome to the group.
> ~Scott
> On 18 June 2013 13:45, Peter Shaw <unthough...@googlemail.com
> <mailto:unthough...@googlemail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi pound users and developers.
>     I just want to know if there is a acive development on the pound
>     project. Or is the last Date in 2.6 (2010) the last and final commit?
>     is this grub active? and may i get help if i ran my production farm
>     with pound.
>     Thanx al lot,
>     ps
>     --
>     To unsubscribe send an email with subject unsubscribe to
>     pound@apsis.ch <mailto:pound@apsis.ch>.
>     Please contact ro...@apsis.ch <mailto:ro...@apsis.ch> for questions.
> -- 
> With Kind Regards.
> Scott McKeown
> Loadbalancer.org
> http://www.loadbalancer.org

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