Hello Freja,

The HeadRequire should be what you require for this but can you send us
over a quick example it maybe just your make up of the required match value.

On 23 October 2015 at 14:37, Freja Borginger <freja.borgin...@portsit.se>

> Hello,
> We’re hosting a bunch of both SSL and non-SSL enabled sites and we’re
> using pound for SSL-termination.
> The issue appears when someone visits a non-SSL enabled site by prepending
> https:// to the address.
> I’m expecting a connection reset or similar because this site doesn’t have
> SSL to begin with.
> But instead of that I get “This is an untrusted connection” in the browser
> and I see that pound serves up the first certificate it specified in the
> configuration.
> I tried adding HeadRequire in the Service section of the HTTPS section
> with all the SSL-enabled sites only, but it didn’t work as expected.
> If I understand it correctly those headers are sent encrypted, so they’re
> only sent after the encrypted connection has been fully established, and
> then it’s too late.
> I suppose this could only be done during the SNI negotiation phase when
> the server name is sent by the browser. Then I’d guess pound would check if
> the sent server name has a certificate. If it doesn’t then a connection
> reset or similar should happen.
> How would I achieve this? Or am I missing something?
> Thanks
> Freja Borginger
> IT

With Kind Regards.

Scott McKeown
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