Dear pound - Users,

I don't know, if I am using pound correctly, but in our environment, we
set headers in the backends.

So, in a config-file for apache  we have a stanza like this:

> <VirtualHost *:443>
>     ServerName
>     Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000;
> includeSubDomains"

So IMHO it is not necessary for pound to support HSTS nor to add headers
to outgoing responses, because the job is done by the backend.

Happy new year to everybody,


Am 26.12.19 um 14:57 schrieb
> I'm not sure which is the right question to ask, so i will ask them
> both, and hopefully, I will get the right answer to the right question.
> Does Pound support HSTS ?
> Does Pound support adding headers to the outgong web response?
> I see the "AddHeader" option which apparently adds headers to the
> incoming request (to the back-end server), but I don't see any options
> that let me add headers to the outgoing response (back to the client).
> Thanks.
> --hymie!

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