At least if Powertop could DISPLAY the commands it sends out on screen, or log them to some file, we could pipe that stuff into a file and put it into rc.local.. I agree that its silly to just do these tweaks every time we run powertop.

Btw, "tuning" my USB mouse per powertop recommendations stops my mouse from working altogether.


On 01/18/2012 10:51 PM, SiR GadaBout wrote:

I apologise, I wasn't aware that the "tunables" were intended only to be temporary. I guess I can live with manually re-applying the settings I desire on reboot using the "tunables" menu. I realise that it's not what it's designed for, but if it works, it'll do. Frankly, I'm too UNIXed out to go about figuring out how to apply these settings permanently. As for the context: it's a laptop I use as a server. It's obviously supplied by AC 90% of the time, with a timer turning off the AC for a period of time every 24 hours in order to help prolong the condition of the battery. The power management settings offered are things that I can happily tune without concern for performance loss because the majority of my activity happens in RAM - there's no swap activity.

Thanks for the replies. I'm satisfied with what you've said so I'll be unsubscribing from the list now.

Cheers. :)

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