While I am not a frequent poster here either, I recommended that Ken post
his flash card / PB 1400 RAM query here instead of at the Hypercard list
because I remember this being discussed not so long ago.

Could any of those posters please find it in their hearts to help him out?

I'm not recalling the answers other than that you could use one as a RAM
disk and needed to purchase one larger than the RAM disk  you wished to
create.  I also recall that at some point the flash-RAM goes to pot.

Anybody else remember anything else?


On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Ken Norris wrote:

> Has anyone looked at my "Hello" post? I found a video dongle at Ebay (Olde
> Mac Milt) and bought it. But what I really want to know is how to use a
> flash card (PC card slot) for RAM on a PB 1400c.

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