Found it!

The reference page:

The link:

Still expensive but with the popularity of things like the 5xx series
I can see spending for this.  Someone also told me that they might be
willing to sell just the adapter for less to someone who has a drive
already.  I'll have to check into that.

MH> Here's the manufacturer:

MH> I'm at a loss to find the link for the distributor though.  Digging
MH> for it now - although I do recall that they weren't cheap.  $300+ for
MH> a 10 gig drive that will go in any SCSI PowerBook.

MH> *sigh* I'll post it when I find it in my 200+ "Favorites" listing.

JCSJ>> I remember that these items came on upgraded/refurbished 500 series
JCSJ>> computers in order to get larger (and cheaper) IDE drives in them.  As I
JCSJ>> recall, they were very hard to get unless it came with a hard drive.

JCSJ>> I too, would love to get one of these and put a 2gig IDE in my 520c to
JCSJ>> replace the paltry 320mb SCSI drive in there now.  So if anyone knows of a
JCSJ>> source please let us know.

JCSJ>> Thanks,

JCSJ>> joseph

>>> Hi,
>>>     I have a pb500cppc and have an ide drive and have heard that you can
JCSJ>> use
>>> an adapter for the scsi cab;e to use an ide in it. Any one know?
>>>                 Bruce

MH> Mike Hebel                        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mike Hebel                        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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