>I wanted to do a clean install, but when I boot from the OS CD, the internal
>HD is not visible, so it is not possible for me to install anything.

It is possible (probable?) that the drive is formatted with HFS+ and you
booted with a TechTools CD that is too old to be able to read an HFS+
partition??  If you run a HFS-only tool on an HFS+ partition I believe you
can really mangle things.  It might just be easier to format and start over
if so.

If you boot from the internal HD (I don't see that you said the drive is
now non-booting), and put the 9.1 CD in, does the CD show up?  There's
often no need to boot from the OS CD to do a clean system install, just
tell it "clean install" and you get a new system folder.

The 9.1 CD should have handled the HFS+ though.  TechTool, maybe or maybe
not, depends on how old it is.


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