> Until I replace it I need to make do with the 750 mb hard drive.  Can 
> anyone recommed any small pop3 clients that are really good with 
> offline activities?

Yes, try old (pre version 4) Eudora first and see if that works.

I purchased SweetMail ($28) for use on one machine running OS 8.6, 
mainly in a desire to move away from MS apps*. It can be described as 
old-school Eudora that's been updated. Interesting features, one of 
which is the ability to view the subject header of incoming POP3 mail 
without downloading the whole email first. "Remote check" it's called. 
Kill the spam while it's still on your ISP's server.

No HTML/Rich Text, but you're on one of LEM's lists so you don't care 
too much about that, right?  It will, however, reliably show JPEGs 
inline. Everything else (other attachments and HTML messages) it gives 
you an icon to punt to your browser (if HTML) or to detach (if an 
attachment other than JPEG.

Actually, it will correctly parse some HTML/Rich Text emails as normal 
plain text, which is cool.

Does multiple accounts with ease, and handles aliases to email 
accounts. Here's an example that had an old version of Eudora stymied, 
but SweetMail (and modern email clients) handle it fine:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] is an alias address to a second address I added 
to my main account with my ISP. If themacguy ever becomes junked with 
spam I can easily delete the address and give myself another address. 
Lots of big ISPs let you do this I suppose.

The point is, to set up an email client for [EMAIL PROTECTED] I 
need to be able to use themacguy as the userid along with corresponding 
password. Notice that themacguy isn't the userid for my account with my 
ISP, and old Eudora can't handle that.

*Nevertheless I think OE 5 is the best email client for any PPC, for 
the money. It is, you know, literally Emailer grown up. Is this for a 
PPC? SweetMail comes in 68k flavor also.


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