
LineFeeds/word processing: I think Caleb's suggestion is good. If you
have Word 5, you exchange documents with Linux not as TextOnly files,
but as RTF or as Word docs. Newer versions of Word can save for older
versions, or alternatively, there is a plugin for Word 5 for importing
docs from newer Word versions.
This will solve not only the LineFeeds problem, but also accented
letters, smart quotes, etc. And maybe it'll give you some possibilities
that you're missing in ClarisWorks.
Actually, I like Claris much better than Word, but still I use Word a
lot because it has some features I need. E.g., it's a good bridge to
Windows (or maybe Linux with OpenOffice, Save As: MS Word), while Claris
doesn't do conversions very well.

If you're more on the engineering side, I think you'll love Tex-Edit
Plus. It determines paragraphs intelligently when removing LineFeeds,
but it has tons of other 'text massaging' tools. And you may like its
support for Apple scripting (kind of like DOS batch files, but brought
to Mac OS level, and working also inside programs).

Disk size: In the Finder, double-click the disk icon to open its content window. In the header of that window, you see the disk info, e.g.:
10 items 187.8 MB in disk 69 MB available
If you don't see that header, you can activate it in Control Panels/Views.
(This is the situation in 7.5.3. Maybe 7.5.5 is slightly different.)

"looking for engineering aids and such": You're already quite
self-sufficient, but why not post your needs here, in some detail?
That's what the list is for!

Just a loose remark re. OS: MacTracker says the 190 runs maximum OS 8.1

Web browser: We had some discussion about that a few weeks ago; maybe
check the archive for those posts. I think the main tips were iCab and
Opera 5. But if you need good 'html 4.0 rendering and current
javascript', I think the 190 won't do...

Acrobat Reader: If I remember correctly, I'm using version 4 on my PB, which is much more compatible than v.3 because they didn't add many features after that.

Ethernet: Right, you can't switch to Ethernet as long as you don't have
it. That's the Mac way of doing things.


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