
I have been using PowerMail for about nine years now and am still fairly
happy with it as compared to Apple's Mail program which I use at work.

Recently however, due to an RSI injury from too much computer use, I
have been making more use of speech recognition and handwriting
recognition (" ink"). Unfortunately, PowerMail doesn't play well with
either technology.

For speech recognition, Apple lets you define commands on the fly for
specific programs by saying "define a keyboard command" which it then
stores in the "~/Library/Speech/Speakable Items/Application Speakable
Items" folder. Although it looks like I can define a command from
PowerMail, the command never shows up in the appropriate folder, and
putting commands or applescripts into the folder by hand has no effect.

In regards to "ink", it kind of works, but when using the "write
anywhere" mode (which I normally use), all of the words get jumbled
together without spaces! This doesn't happen in any other programs I've
used and some research on Google suggested that some older programs
might have this trouble. 

Anyway, I'm not tying to complain, but just wanted to make sure you're
aware of the difficulties and to encourage you to fix these problems in
a future release.

I'm using 5.2.3 build 4406 on Mac OS X 10.4.6 (PPC).



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