The negative evaluation of Daylite depends on what you expect; 1.9
seemed too convoluted to me, but the beta 3.0 is very appealing, and
intuitive. There are still a few rough edges to be sure, but then again
it's a beta, and all the same I'm depending on it already...

Also: what good alternative is there? SoHo Organizer is a nightmare,
TopAgenda too limited, I simply cannot resign myself to iCal ... and the
new Daylite has one major flaw: it's expensive. But I love it nonetheless.

Good. I'm trying to create an automator workflow, using one of the
Applescripts available as a download, from Alan harper (Copy email). But
I receive an error message with this one: it does not understand

It also seems to me that something is missing. But what?

So far I have this workflow:

(Run Applescript)
tell application "PowerMail"
        set theMessages to current messages
        if (count of theMessages) > 1 then
                error -128
        end if
        set theMessage to item 1 of theMessages
        set theSource to source of theMessage
end tell

(Run Applescript)
on run {input, parameters}
        tell application "Daylite" to open input
                return input
end run

Apart from the fact that it does not understand SetClipboard(theSource),
I would also like to make an F-script and wrap that up, to link it to
contacts and opportunities, but that is something for later.  

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