> On November 11, 2005 2:56:32 PM EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> I have been running PowerMail 4.1.2 with OS X 10.3.9 and just upgraded
> today to Mac OS X 10.4.3. I figured this is the perfect time to  
> upgrade
> PowerMail, too, so went to the download page only to find out that  
> they
> don't support Mac OS X 10.4.3 with PowerMail 5.2.1, only 10.4.2.
> <----snipped---->
> Thanks,
> Jaede

I have looked everywhere only to find PowerMail 5.2.1 requirements to  
be 10.2.8 or higher, however, I am also in the same position as Jaede  
in that I'm running 10.4.3 yet PowerMail v5.2.1 will not launch.

When I try to launch PowerMail the PowerMail window flashes on the  
screen after much beachball spinning, then I get the " ...quit  
unexpectedly" pop-up window. Subsequent tries yield the same  
behavior.  I have reset permissions, run DiskWarrior, rebooted,  
reinstalled PowerMail, etc., but can't get it to run.

So my question is, does Jaede's post above relate the current  
PowerMail minimum requirements true?

i.e., is PowerMail supported in OSX 10.4.3 ?

TIA,  John 

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