I'm not sure where to start looking for the answer to this. I don't
think it's an email client question at all, but I'm starting here
because I'm hoping someone will know, anyway. 

I've been getting emails lately where the subject line has somehow,
somewhere along the line, been changed to a long string of gobbledygook.
Like these: 


and so forth. Some are ads.. not strictly spam, because I think they
came from places I've signed up with or ordered things through, and
others are from friends. No rhyme nor reason... the same friend's mail
will come through with one of these subject lines one day but not the
next. Obviously, it's not the subject line THEY put on the email to
begin with. ;-)

anyone have any idea what's causing this, or how I can make it stop?
It's annoying. 

If you're too open-minded, your brains will fall out.

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