Michael Lewis wrote at 5:41 pm (-0400) on 22 6 2005:

>My main point was that here we have someone saying the clicking in email
>doesn't work the way they like, and yet we have messages from people
>wanting HTML mail style things all the time who likely think clicking on
>the URL in email to launch the URL is just fine the way it is.

The great thing about PM is that there are clearly two contexts for
viewing inbound mail:  a plain-text one and an HTML one.  All I'm asking
for is sensible behaviour in the plain-text context.  If the HTML mode
doesn't require a double-click, or if it requires typing "the quick brown
fox jumped over the lazy dog" into a special field in order to launch, it
doesn't really matter to me.

>Exactly. Of course, when the next "why doesn't such and such HTML stuff
>work in my email program?!?!?" comes up, I expect you to tell them the
>same thing: we're talking email programs and not web browsers.

Correct, and that's what I do.  The same type of arguments happen
reasonably often on this list, and similar responses are given by others
than just me.  Thankfully, PM admits to being a plaintext-primary client
and does not need to apologize.


Ben Kennedy, chief magician
zygoat creative technical services
613-228-3392 | 1-866-466-4628

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