I finally got mine to work.......after rebuilding the schedule for a
fourth time.   I had previously had it set up the way I wanted it.....it
just quit working for some strange reason shortly after I did a clean re-
install of Tiger.


Derry Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

>PowerMail at [EMAIL PROTECTED] said on 8/6/05 8:06 am
>>>My PowerMail (5.2) has quit sending mails, and the schedules no  
>>>longer run, although it will receive mail if I tell it to "connect  
>>>again".  I have tried reinstalling, tried starting with the command  
>>>and option keys held down.  I'm stumped.  When I go to the setup for  
>>>the schedules, their is a yellow ball/button next to the  
>>>schedule....does that indicate a problem there?
>>The yellow ball indicates the active schedule (in case you have multiple
>>ones). Verify that the correct accounts are checked, by clicking the
>>"accounts" buttons in the schedulings dialog.
>>>To make things a bit more confusing, it WILL send if I use the
>>>"connection/send waiting" messages method.
>My Powermail is now doing this too. Most annoying, 
>>Also verify that "immediately when queued" is checked in the schedulings
>It is. 
>I've recreated the schedules too, and it still won't send immediately. 
>Derry Thompson
>g l o d e r w o r k s | Design - Hosting - Programming 
>+ 44 (0) 1562 631430 t
>+ 44 (0) 7976 802487 m

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