>Subject: Re: powermail-discuss Digest #2093 - 04/17/05
>From: "marco osti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 09:08:29 +0200
>Daniel Ross, SJ 18-04-2005:
>>I cannot seem to keep my settings, addresses, email boxes, etc. when
>>installing 5.2b3. I've gone back to 5.1 until I can find further
>Daniel PM start as a new user so you have no messages etc. To solve this
>problem be sure to quit PM 5.2b3 and trash the previous version or just
>zip it and trash the app. then in the finder open your PowerMail Files
>folder and double clic a file, for example Message Database index. it
>will start pm with your complete environment.
>You can also use menu file: database: switch user environment... and
>then locate your PowerMail Files.

Thanks. How could I forget that. You reminded me of something I should
have remembered. Following your instructions worked perfectly.


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