Eh, haven't we been here already? Enough!

It's certainly bad netiquette to impose your own personal general group
label on a discussion group when posting to it. It's a bit surprising
that responders to such posts also keep stuff like this in the subject.
Please just remove such words before posting. This also includes
"powermail-discuss Digest" subjects, which is even worse. Why? Do I
really have to list those? Surprisingly it seems so.

"Digest" lines
1. "Digest" subjects, as any improper change of a discussion subject
line, breaks the little threading there is in PowerMail. So it's
impossible to follow the discussion from there on without guesswork
leaving you bewildered on what discussion you're reading.
2, If you wants to correct this totally wrong subject by hand, you have
to find other properly named messages in the thread and change the
subject one message at a time. Now, just which thread does this "Digest"
message belong to?
3. You don't answer a digest with less than there is ONLY a digest.
Commonly this is not so. Digest users don't have rights surpassing the
main users that gets individual messages. Digest subscribers should
realize their specific situation and adapt to the norm, which are
individual messages. Actually, even if they are in a majority they should
adapt for the common good. Because in the end, also digest readers lose
on this sorry state of some subject lines.
· If you want to know how what having all messages being called "Digest"
feels like, just change all messages of this list (you do keep them in a
folder, don't you?) rename them all to "powermail-discuss digest#" with
the "Change Subject" script that is available at CTMs site. Now, try to
find all messages in any thread. Can you do it?

Improperly named labels like "powermail-discuss"
1. Breaks the little threading there is and keep messages that belong
near each other, if sorted by subject, separated. Add "Re: powermail-
discuss" in front of every message and try to sort by subject. Useful
isn't it?
2. Must be changed by a script. Any new "invention" demands all users
change their scripts adding the new subject item.

Of course, it's quite strange why list software commonly doesn't filter
such problems automatically and rejecting "digest" posts as well (as well
as empty subjectlines). IMHO these servers are erroneously set up.

That it's possible to filter and change subjects with AS in PowerMail is
no reason to keep on this behaviour. Can we please let this habit die?

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