> Display speed:
> I've never known PM to display messages or message lists at anything 
> less
> than lightning speed. Admittedly I'm on a G5, but even so it makes me
> wonder if this is something more to do with your set up rather than a
> problem intrinsic to PM itself. It's just text sifted from a database
> after all, and shouldn't be slow to display.

I extensively searched for an answer to this speed problem several 
months ago, and I found that most people claim they don't see a 
problem.  The only thing I could to do speed it up was to remove some 
of the columns being displayed.  I reduced the columns down to the 
minimum set I would put up with, which helped a little.  Other 
applications displayed list views much faster than PowerMail.

I have a 2GHz G5, and it draws fairly fast, but still not nearly as 
fast as I would expect.

I recently upgraded to a new 1.5GHz Powerbook (from 550MHz), and it 
still was pretty slow.  And on top of that, it took about a minute to 
start up, and I couldn't figure out why.  (I neglected to mention this 
in my original email.)  I even rebuilt the database, and it didn't 
help.  Maybe it was trying to access files no longer accessible?  I 
don't know.

My tolerance was running out at this point.  I tried OS X Mail, and it 
did pretty much everything I needed, so I started the conversion 
process.  It was amazingly painless to convert my old mailboxes.

> Address book:
> My copy of PM stays in sync with my Apple address book just fine. I 
> have
> them set so that PMAB updates itself from the Apple AB, but *not* the
> other way around (ie. PM doesn't pass info back to the AAB). I had a
> little trouble when I first set it up (both tried to sync with each
> other, and since the PM address book was empty at that point it wiped 
> out
> half my Apple AB, hence my decision to use one as a 'master' and one 
> as a
> 'slave').

This is exactly my setup.  Whenever I added a new address to the 
address book, it wouldn't add it to AAB.  And it opened up the PMAB 
entry instead of the AAB, even though I had "Open in AAB" enabled.  And 
sometimes when I added a new address to AAB, it wouldn't sync into 
PMAB.  I had to clear PMAB and do an import from scratch.

> If yours refuses to stay in synch then perhaps there is a corrupt
> preference. Same goes for the not opening in AAB properly; my prefs are
> set to open addresses in Apple AB, and if I double click an address in 
> a
> PM message it opens up in AAB as expected. If the address is in my PM
> address book but not in the AAB (as some are, like this group for
> example) then it opens up in PM's address book instead. If your address
> books are not synching then perhaps this is the reason that things are
> not opening up in the AAB?

Maybe a corrupt preference is the answer.  I didn't think of dumping my 
prefs file.

> Network absence:
> You can get rid of the dialogue boxes by going to preferences >
> Notifications and deselecting the 'Display Alert' checkbox under 'Error
> notification'. I just have  a sound played when there is difficulty
> accessing an email account, so there is no dialogue box to dismiss 
> (IIRC,
> those dialogue boxes would suspend other PM activity until dismissed,
> which I always thought was rather odd, OS9-like behaviour).

True.  I tried to get rid of the error altogether by enabling 
"Automatically access the network only if it is already available", but 
it didn't help.

> Whichever way you decide to jump, Dan, I wish you the best of luck.
> Cheerio;

Thanks for the feedback!  I've gotten a lot of good help from this 
email list over the past few years.


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