>Anybody know of a good way to export/archive my 10k+ worth of email
>messages into a Filemaker database?

If this is for backup, just export to Unix mailbox and/or PowerMail
exchange format instead and burn to an archive. PowerMails search
functionality, stability and so on is way better than Filemaker in my not
so humble opinion. Especially so with John Carlsens archiver (which was a
great solution back in the Emailer days, which is way back). And
Filemaker sucks. I don't even consider it a real database application. 

"FileMaker seems like it was written by someone who has never had any
formal database training at all, but just kind of worked it out as they
went along."
-- PeterD in newsgroup comp.databases.filemaker (2003)

PM 5.1 | OS X 10.3.6 | Powerbook G4/400 | 768 MB RAM | 30 GB HD

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