Hi all,

Thanks for the feedback to my earlier posts; as it happens, I received 
my registration code pretty much as I hit send on the other mail - 
typical! ;-)

I've been playing around with PM, tweaking it to suit my needs, etc, 
and while it has been fun for one day, I have a feeling that I'm going 
to have to switch back to Mail.app. This morning I experimented with 
User Environments - created a new one and without thinking, saved the 
folder using the default settings; i.e. folder name PowerMail Files in 
User/Documents. Now I can't switch back to my original UE. I have this 
awful feeling that in one fell swoop, I have overwritten all my data - 
I can't seem to find anything that looks like my original PM folder in 
the libraries, and I'm stumped.

If this is indeed the case, then back to Mail.app I go, with £34 down 
the drain. :-( I really appreciate the extensive mail handling options 
in PM, but the lack of threaded messages, the difficulty I've 
experienced in working with attachments sent to my IMAP account, the 
lack of an up-to-date FAQ and finally, if it _is_ the case, the fact 
that the app merrily overwrote my user data without any warning.... 
well, let's just say I'm finding it hard to maintain the level of 
confidence and enthusiasm with which I started this move to PM.

All suggestions and advice welcome!

Many thanks,

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