On Thu, Mar 03, 200511:31, the following words from Tom Dillon
[EMAIL PROTECTED], emerged from a plethora of SPAM ...

>I've amassed a veritable plethora of signatures in PowerMail. I just
>changed addresses and need to change that info in my signatures. Is there
>a file which containing them all so that I can do a find and replace
>rather than having to change each one manually?
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------
>   Tom Dillon                                        900 S. Coors Dr.
>   DataCraft                                       Lakewood, CO 80228
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED]                           720/962-4880
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------
>                                                    Some people can
>                                                   justify anything.
>                                                       --- Sunastar
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------
You can use AppleScript. I ran into the same problem a while ago, so I
exported all the PM signatures to a FileMaker Pro database to clean up
the sigs. Then I deleted all the sigs in PowerMail and used an
AppleScript to create new sigs from my FM database.

Try something like this script:

property changeCnt : 0
property targetTxt : "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
property replacementTxt : "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

to replaceTxt from the txt
        if the txt contains the targetTxt then
                set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the targetTxt
                set the tList to every text item of the txt
                set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the replacementTxt
                set the fixedTxt to the tList as string
                set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
                return the fixedTxt
                return ""
        end if
end replaceTxt

tell application "PowerMail 5.1"
        set the changeCnt to 0
        set the sigList to the text signatures
        set the sigCount to count the sigList
        repeat with sig in the sigList
                set the sigTxt to the sig's signature
                if the sigTxt contains the targetTxt then
                        set the fixedTxt to replaceTxt of me from the sigTxt
                        if the fixedTxt is not "" then
                                set the sig's signature to the fixedTxt
                                set the changeCnt to (the changeCnt + 1)
                        end if
                end if
        end repeat
        display dialog "Signatures changed: " & the changeCnt giving up after 10
end tell


Thus the living, lone and sobbing,
In the throes of anguish throbbing,
With the loathsome Furies robbing
  Night and noon of peace and rest.
But beyond the groans and grating
Of abhorrent Life, is waiting
Sweet Oblivion, culminating
  All the years of fruitless quest.
-- H.P. Lovecraft, Despair 1919

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