
I introduced myself yesterday as a new-ish PM person .... well, I have
had PM crash on me 3 times now in less than 24 hours.

I've imported a lot of email from first Claris Emailer into Mail.app,
then from mail.app into PM. When I go to search any given mailbox, PM
tells me it has to first index that box (does this always happen, or is
this just because of the huge import?) and each time it attempts to
index, when it is almost complete, PM crashes.

So, I am unable to search until I can index, but I cannot seem to index.

I am running a Dual G5 1.8 with 1.5 gigs of ram, running PM 5.1 with

Is there another way to index? What am I doing wrong? Or is this common
in PM with large DB's?

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