Dear all,

I finally found a solution, that suits my needs. Instead of using a
script, I set up a a new duty for PowerMail: to check the one server,
that requires "send after receive" every 2 minutes. As I have a ADSL
flatrate, that doesn't cost any money. The time of 2 minutes is short
enough, that the server can combine the last check with a send order, and
accepts to send the mail. Maybe this is not really understandable for
everybody. My Powermail version is in German, an I don't know the real
English expressions used in the English version. Sorry for that!

Kind regards

Florian Fürst

Florian Fürst
Berlinickestr. 6
D-12165 Berlin
Tel. +49-30-56739940
Fax +49-30-56739941
Mobil +49-179-9230923

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