1. Switch to 10.3.6 or whatever Panther will run on your machine. 
Panther is faster than Jaguar and more stable, AND it automatically
defrags any file smaller than 20megs. This will speed up anything you do
in PowerMail because the database isn't spread all over the place.  Of
course to make this work you have to leave your system on over night. 
2. Repair Permissions.  Reprebind the system. Repair OSX symbolic links.
 You can do this from the terminal or use a GUI.  I personally like
Panther Cache Cleaner best, but also use Cocktail on occasion.  If I run
Cocktail, it generally makes files forget their owners, so I run PCC to
repair the symbolic links which makes them remember again.
3. Zap your PRAM. 
4. If rebuild is taking a long time, force quit PowerMail and go again. 
This usually speeds things up a whole lot.  If the barberpole isn't
spinning it's a good chance things are jammed up.  I get this even on a
twin 2 G5 and quitting and going again usually makes PM sort things out
5. Get rid of some of your messages.  If your database is too large, it
takes forever.  Do this in bits and pieces.
6. Don't download all the junk.  Use webmail to look into your mailbox
and see what's in there. (There are also some shareware things that do
this... was one on October MacWorld CD...which is why I buy mine off the
newsstand instead of having a subscription) Delete any messages that you
don't want directly from your mailbox and only download into PM the ones
you want to keep.  This is the best spam filter you can have and it's
free.  It also keeps you from deleting so many messages from PM and
having to compact your database.  I get about 200 messages a day, and at
most download maybe 20-30. 

936 Frog Pond Road
Staunton VA 24401
800-326-9192  www.bobmoody.org

The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say, or do:
First: Is it the TRUTH? 
Second: Is it FAIR to all concerned? 
Third: Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 
Fourth: Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?"

Replying to message quoted below

Fri, 26 Nov 2004 08:46:26 -0500

>I recently received a number of 13MB emails which had the attachments in
>the Body of the email instead of attachments.  After deleting them I
>thought it would be wise to Compact my data base.  I used the menu option
>for this before going to bed and woke up to find PowerMail rebuilding my
>Sort Index.  As with before this will take about 16 hours.  Here are some
>more facts:
>1.  I'm still using the 5.1 beta (don't ask...) with 10.2.8
>2.  I have not crashed since we last emailed
>3.  Yesterday I had a problem with message subject lines overwriting each
>other as if the messages were jumbled together on top of one another. 
>Ironically it only affected the messages in my PowerMaill Discussion
>folder :-) This did not appear to cause any functional problems, but to be
>on the safe side I deleted them all, quit (empties the trash), and
>restarted.  No problems noted after this.
>4.  I've quit and restarted PowerMail at least once after this without a
>What do you think the problem is?  I am now obviously very disapointed
>with this result and now wonder if this will happen to me everytime I try
>to Compact.  Any ideas?
>Also, could you *PLEASE* do something about the slowness of the rebuilds? 
>It really is a serious issue, even if it happens to a customer only once
>(this is now my 4th time in as many weeks).

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