For some time I've been trying to send pages/records from Filemaker Pro
from PM.  I found the following in PM's FAQs.  FMP has not provided a 
link between their product and PM so I understand why PM advise use of
Here are my queries, 
1. 'URL function'.  I think this should be the URL script step, its not a
2.  Where does '& mailaddress & "?subject="  & Subj & "&body=" & mailcontents'
go in the script.
3. What I want to do is email a record (a page) from FMP as a printed
page appears .  
That seems difficult as the fields wouldn't reproduce as they do in a FMP
The only way is probably to save a FMP record in pdf format but there's
no facility
in FMP to do this.

Does anyone have information on how to solve this problem.


Brian Jacobs

This is the page from the PM FAQ:

'How can create a PowerMail message from FileMaker Pro ?
You can use the URL  function in ScriptMaker to create new mail: 

open location "mailto:"; & mailaddress & "?subject="  & Subj & "&body=" &

of course, this requires  PowerMail to be selected as default mail client
in the Internet  control panel'

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