listes on 9/23/04 said

>Urs Gruetzner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> 3. like in Apple's show threaded messages
>incidentally, this would allow me to read this list with PM -currently,
>I read it with MacSoup, which doesn't show anything other than text in
>messages, doesn't Bayes-filter them etc. buth HANDLES THREADING...
>In other words, I see all your posting in a graphical tree, like in a

You can accomplish pretty much the same thing as Apple Mail app's
threading by sorting by subject; it is still not true threading like MacSoup.

But true threading would be a great addition to PowerMail.

All my filtering is done at server level so I'm grateful for that and if
anyone else wants to open an account at Newsguy with their totally
configurable filtering.... 
Barbara Needham

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