On   Tuesday, September 07, 2004,   H.R. Riggs   sent forth:

>It's that search window that I'm trying to get. It used to show up with
>the eyeball. I can't seem to figure out how to get the search window.
>Maximizing the browser didn't show it for me.

Under PM 5.x, the search field is now in the toolbar running across the
top of the browser window.  It is an oval shape with a magnifying glass
and a default search value of "subject" written in it.

You have to show your toolbar to see it.  You might even have to modify
your toolbar, although I would imagine a search function would be part of
the default set.

Hope this helps.

Tim Lapin
G4/AGP/400    OS 10.3.5    PowerMail 5.0.1     384 MB RAM     40+10 GB HDs

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