The best spam filter is webmail.

1. Use webmail and log into your pop account.  My Isp has one, or you can
use Panadmail or others.  I just start Safari and Powermail at the same
time, and log in through webmail using Safari.  Then...
2. "Select all"
3. Look down the list and uncheck the ones you want to keep.  This way the
spam is still selected.
4. "Delete"  cleans out all the spam and leaves the good stuff
5. log out and then switch to Powermail.  (Using my Kensington 4-button
trackball it's the upper left button, scroll to Powermail & click.
6. log in with Powermail and just download the remaining contents of your

I can clean 120 emails in about 2 minutes this way, usually keeping 3-4. 
The only trick is not to do it backwards and keep the ones you want to
trash and trash the ones you want to keep.  I have done this.  No big
deal.  If it's important they'll email again.

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