On 8/11/04, at 9:48 AM, PowerMail Engineering, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>Yes, the crash occurs when reindexing your database. If you can't fix the
>problem with the low level rebuild (and if disk utilities do not help),
>you can disable indexing from the preferences, then export your database
>to the PowerMail Exchange format. Note that, as somethings seems badly
>corrupted in your DB, the export will probably crash as well, so the best
>is to select all your folders, and export "the selected mail folder"; if
>a crash occurs, the corrupted message is located in the last exported
>mailbox. You can then export this folder in several steps, by selecting
>groups of messages and exporting "the selected messages".
>Once you have successfully exported all the non corrupted messages, quit
>PM, remove the corrupted "Message Database" file from your PowerMail user
>folder, relaunch PM, reactivate the indexing, and import the exported data.

Jérôme, thank you for looking at my problem. As I said earlier, I had
another PowerMail folder with all its contents on my 2nd internal hard
drive. Somehow, when I had a problem upgrading to 10.3.5, PM files got
corrupted. Or, maybe in the process PM started trying to access some
files on the other drive and that gave me the error messages and the crashes.

Anyway, I restarted from the other HD, downloaded the messages that PM's
DB on that drive didn't have and that made it current. I then used that
folder to replace the PM folder with the troublesome files and things
returned to normal -- PM is stable again.

I have almost always had two internal drives and occasionally copy
important files (and apps) from my usual start-up drive to the other one.
This easy way of backing up files has saved me several times.

Thanks to everyone who tried to help me solve the problem. All is normal

Tom Miller

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