A-NO-NE Music wrote:

>Just curious.
>Why do you spin down your drives, which shortens your drive life in great
>deal?  I never spin down any of my drives, running 24/7, except when my
>TiBook travels with me :-)

I have to do this since my enclosure is crammed with HDs. Since I also
live under the roof, now when it's hot (30 degrees centigrade or more
room temperature) the enclosure tends to overheat (which I can see when
the graphics card starts to create noise pixels on my DVI attached TFT

I therefore need to spin down drives I do not need (and some of the
drives are only accessed by my backup software, once or twice a day).

A solution I have found is to actually unmount connected, unused drives
manually and re-mount them before I need to access them.

Regards, Christian.

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